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We will have school clothing available at Ross High School Parents Evenings on the following dates...


Thursday 5th December

Wednesday 12th March


Please stop by and take what you need for FREE

We would like to say a huge 'thank you' to Tesco, Haddington for their generous donation of surplus school uniform xx

Are you looking for safety equipment for your child?


We have a wide range of equipment available from stairgates to cots.


Please get in touch for more info.



Carefree Kids is a registered charity - SC029677 and has been in operation since December 1999.  In August 2018 we applied to OSCR to become a SCIO and this was granted in September 2018.  We are now know as Carefree Kids East Lothian and have been allocated a new charity number - SC048734 to reflect these changes..


The aims of our Project are:


  • To promote child and family health and home safety;

  • To reduce the risk of home accidents by offering practical assistance, advice and support; and

  • To provide information and advice on relevant health issues.

Our services give children the best possible start in life.  We do this through:



Carefree Kids improves resilience of children and their parents by providing services that support to help parents where possible overcome issues caused by poverty and social exclusion.



Registered SCIO No: SC048734

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